Oprah's Life Class was on last night and a miracle from heaven happened. My husband actually picked that to watch! Not basketball, not Topgear (which I'll admit I do like, but sometimes we need girly TV!), but Oprah! This could also be because her special guest was Bishop T. D. Jakes, who I recently discovered I like more than I thought I did. Oprah's Life Class is basically Oprah attempting to reach people and help them grow to their fullest potential, basically the same thing she has always done on her show.
I was excited to watch this episode because it was talking about finding your purpose in life. I have lived my life with and without purpose and realize that it's something that is definitely necessary. A few years ago I began a relationship with the God of the universe and became his child. That filled my life with extreme purpose, however, I still do feel myself occasionally stumped at what I am to do for a vocation. I wonder what job I am supposed to have to make the world better. I assume it has a lot to do with my age. I am, after all, only 22. Still very much in a young state, but also a mother and wife. Sometimes I forget that I'm not thirty. It is the craziest thing. I live my life like someone who is a bit older than I truly am. So, I have to cut myself some slack because I think this is the age that most of us spend trying to figure out what our true calling is as far as work goes.
Bishop T. D. Jakes said something that I thought was very profound. He said that your passions in life will lead you to your purpose. Basically, don't ignore the things that you feel passionate about because they will point you to the career field where you will thrive the greatest. I've always realized that I didn't want to pursue money as much as I wanted to pursue happiness. At the moment I only work part-time so that I have the ability to be with my son when he gets out of school. It sacrifices a good bit of money and probably a few career options, but it is what I'm passionate about. Being there for my son is so important to me that I pursue it at all costs. I'd like to also find that for my career path. The thing that I am so passionate about doing that my soul cries out to do it over and over. When I ignore it, I feel like I'm shutting down a part of me. I feel like God has given us these passions as sort of a road map to figure out what we are called to do. The things you feel passionate about will lead you to the job you were meant to do. I guess I have some soul searching to do.
He also said not to waste time striving to be something you're not. If you have talent in a certain area, but not passion then he said you may be missing something. Follow your hearts passions and you will find a rewarding career. I'm on my way with a lot of prayer and a little soul searching and I'm thankful that I tuned in to Oprah's Life Class and stayed up past my bedtime to watch. :)
When I really think about it, I already have been commissioned. As a disciple of Jesus he has given us the task to go and make disciples. To love others and to teach them of God's love. Doing that plus being a good wife and mom is definitely a calling in itself. I'm excited to see where God leads me on that path and in the future.