What matters the most at the end of the day? The question crossed my mind.
Is it the money I've earned as a result of hard work,
is it the career I've tried so hard to find? Is it whether or not I've got a fat bank account? A car? A nice house? Is it whether I'm successful, popular, liked by all, or famous?
What matters? To me...
Seeing the silliness in the kid's faces and knowing that I can be a mom and sister that allows them to be free and encourages them to be goofs. Helping them know that they are great and worthy of love just as the are. Knowing that I can change who they become by how I treat them.
Enjoying the simple things like watermelon in the sun on a beach day. Teaching my son to stop and smell the roses.
Playing. Never being too busy, tired or stressed to take time to play and engage with the people I love. Enjoying every second and living in the moment despite circumstances. That is being free!
Loving the people that God placed in my path with all that I can. Always being willing to give to build them up.
Being a friend to all. Even when we don't look, feel, or act the same.
Being a family, even when we don't look or feel perfect. Loving each other in spite of our differences. Not holding each other to preconceived standards that the other can't meet. Just living together and loving, no matter what comes.
Seeing the beauty and wonder in a child's eyes and doing everything I can to feel the same way about life as they do. Realizing that I am God's child and that he delights in me the way the little ones I have delight in my presence. Seeing the beauty in everything. Not having a doom and gloom perspective, but seeing where I can act to make the world better and loving the beauty God put into it.
Making time for family and loving them regardless of time, space, or distance. Being who you are and not trying to be someone else.
Knowing the God who made you. Spending time with him. Knowing that he wants a relationship with you and partaking in it. Not giving him your leftovers, but giving him all of you. Passionately knowing, loving, and experiencing God and serving in his kingdom
Being who you are and loving others the way they are.
Knowing how totally awesome you are. Regardless of where you came from and what you've done. There is forgiveness and a fresh start in Jesus. You are awesome just as you are because you've been made in the image of an awesome God. Be your own biggest fan, stop doubting yourself and putting yourself down, and know that you are one bad mama jamma.
Taking time to marvel at the world God made. Realize how intricate and complex the world we live in is and know that it's not by accident. Then.. just gaze in amazement.
Being brave! Doing what you never thought possible because you stepped out in faith and tried!
"Forget the fear it's just a crutch that tries to hold you back and turn your dreams to dust."
-Fireflight, from the song "Unbreakable"
Exploring and trying new things! Even when you feel unprepared!
Being silly!
Remembering the good times you have together with family and friends, and remembering just how you felt when you look at a picture.
Being proud of yourself when you accomplish something.
Knowing where to go for wisdom and knowing where your help comes from!
Laughing and making other's laugh.
(working out and letting your leg hair grow for three months to take this pic ;) )
These are not the only things that matter in life, but just a few things that are important and special to me that I wanted to take some time to highlight.
I hope you can relate/ benefit from my thoughts :)
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