Since Mother's Day is around the corner, my friend Ashley from the blog Always Ashley asked us if we wanted to contribute a little post about motherhood. Seeing as how I have been a mom for almost seven years now(eek!), I figured I was somewhat qualified to share. I love to give advice! Almost a little too much. So with that being said, here is a little advice on the ABC's of motherhood.

Adventures. You only get to be a child once. Unless you have kids! Then you get to be one multiple times. Be a fun mom! Go for bike rides. Do science experiments that destroy the kitchen! Explore the world around you! Get dirty or try something new!

a Battle. Though your kids are your babies you will be fighting with them and for them for their entire life. When they're young, you've got to fight calmly. Be the adult. Be in control, but do it in a loving and gentle way. You also have to fight for their heart and soul. Raise them with morals, teach them the way. You are a warrior.
Crazy. There will be times when there are too many kids. Too much dirt. And not enough coffee. You can do it. Breathe, smile, and take a bath later that night.
Dangerous. You may have to run in front of a car to pull that naughty toddler out from harm's way. You may fight a dog or a bumble bee to rescue your kid. Then there are the other parents in the after school pick up line! There is no end to the danger!
Educational. As your child goes through school, so will you, AGAIN! You will relearn tons of stuff. Cool stuff! And you might get to go on field trips too! YAY!
Fun. Being a mom is fun. Kids are fun. Enjoy it because it won't last.
a Growing process. Being a mom will grow you up in a hurry. It will mature you as you learn things about yourself that you never knew before. You will also understand your parents in a whole new way!

Hard. It's hard. There are days when your strong willed child will want to run the house. They can't. It won't be easy, but it's worth the fight.
Inspiring. Watching your child perform on stage, or get a great report card can be breath-taking! Seeing them go for their dreams and being able to encourage them is a great reward.
a Juggling act. Especially if you have to work too. Get organized with calendars, planners, and binders. Keep yourself on track as best as you can, and if you fall down, don't freak-just get up and keep going.

a Kick in the pants. Becoming a mother can grow you up and get you on track in a heart beat! No slacking allowed when you are responsible for someone else! Unless they aren't at home!
a Lifetime commitment. No matter how old your kid gets, they will always be your baby!
Messy. Think poopy diapers, and maybe pants. Think puke. Think dishes piled sky-high. Think mud.

Noisy. Think screaming. Think fighting. Think singing at the top of your lungs. Then remember inside voice and outside voice and teach it to your kids! Quick!
not Optional. Once you're in, YOU'RE IN. Backing out on this one would mean severe pain for your child and for you! God gave women the role of Mom because he knew we were the mentally stronger of the two sexes. Battle on your knees and don't ever give up on your new role as a mom. You are your child's everything, their superhero, their strength.
Pushy. Sometimes you will feel a push to get your kids to do things faster than they're ready for (ex. potty training, losing the pacifier, etc.). Your kid is on their own schedule and they will get there. Help them out, but don't freak if they aren't where another kid is. Have you ever seen a normal adult male still in diapers?

when you need Quiet time. Try to get up early to have a few minutes to prep your day. Mentally get ready for the day's duties.
a time to Read. If you don't know. Read a book and find out. Show your child the value of knowledge and education. Get a library card and wear that sucker out!
Scary. You don't know what to do sometimes. Call your mom, call the pediatrician, call on God. Call someone! And then relax, God made kids relatively durable.
Time out filled. Don't hesitate to slap that crumb cruncher in time out quick if he or she misbehaves. If you love your child you will teach them how and how not to behave by helping them realize what they cannot do.

Unconditional love filled. You learn so much about love from being a mom. No matter what your kid does to you or says to you, your love and passion for them never dies.
Vanishing. The days you get to hold your little one pass like the wind. Don't let a single day go by without being aware of your child and thankful for them.
Waterworks filled. I cry more now than I ever have in my life. I am a softy. I can't watch horror movies. Get some tissues and don't worry. We are women. Most of us are like a Ziploc bag filled with water. Just give it one little poke.. and... you know the rest.

taXing. Take care of your body with regular exercise, plenty of rest, and a healthy diet so you can keep up!
a Zoo. Filled with your super special kids and you!
Happy Mother's Day!
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