
Friday, March 21, 2014

Maybe We Should Take the Autopilot Off

Here's the thing.

I wish I was schedule-ey. I wish I was more disciplined. 

I'm not good at diets. I'm not good at sticking to exercise routines. My house is frequently in disorder. 

At this point, I could go ahead and blame it on my personality. So, I think I'll do just that!

I'm an "artist" type.. Which is code for "I'm all feely, emotional, crazy, creative, and messy". I like to do a lot, explore a lot, try a lot, and go non-stop, which can leave me frazzled, disorganized, and drained. Just trying to make it through the day.

But, alas!
Such is the life for a creative type like myself.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Dear Models on the Cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition

Hey ladies,

You don't know me and I don't know you. However, you have impacted my life. And I want to let you know.

I'm 24. I live in South Carolina. I have a son who's 7 and a husband who is 28. We are an average family I guess.

I don't know much about you.

I know you're beautiful, on the cover of a magazine, you're pretty tan, you seem happy in the picture, I'm sure you're having a great time...oh! And I also know what your butt cheeks look like. They're pretty, I guess. Very, um fat free? But yes. I know what your rump looks like. All three of you.

Which is strange because I don't know you. Or anything about you. I don't know what your favorite foods are. What you like to do with your free time. Your hopes and dreams. Your cares and fears. Nothing.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

3 Ways to Deal with Disappointment


It's Wednesday and I'm working today. Usually that would be normal, but today, it's very un-normal and very disappointing.

You see, I had taken today off from work to go on a field trip with the little Mr. and due to the rain, it was "postponed".

Even though it was just a field trip, I was looking forward to today. This morning I was singing and woke him up in an annoying way making it apparent that I was WAY more excited for this day than he was.

Now in the car, after getting the word, I tried to talk my son into a peaceful mood before dropping him off for a regular, educational, non-trip-filled school day. I started to think about this thing called disappointment and why we encounter it, and how we can deal with it when it inevitably comes knocking.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Don't Worry About a Ting, Ya!

You know the hardest thing about life?

It's that it is both incredibly good,
and incredibly evil.

Incredibly awesome,
yet horribly flawed.

Full of love and beauty,
yet full of pain and suffering.

It's so wonderful and brings you so much joy,
and yet can make you cry so hard.

I Climbed a Mountain- and I Turned Around

Yesterday I, along with six other women, climbed a mountain. Looking Glass Rock to be exact.

It was exhausting and challenging! 6.4 miles in length. Awesomely fun and definitely something I would recommend.

Any pain we felt trying to get up the mountain was worth it for the view!

You definitely don't realize how small a person actually is until you see mountains like this.

There were fun times had by all. Several stops each way on the trip, since of course, women have to use the bathroom a lot. There was falling, coffee, laughter, music, food, awkward situations that make you laugh, bonding and anything else you can expect to have on a girls trip. It was great!

Thank you to Laura, the fearless leader, who decided to share all of this beauty by inviting us to come on this hike!

I guess this is the part where I introspect about the trip...

It was hard. We moved at a fast pace as there was this mountain lady leading us that climbed like a pro in her fancy boots. I enjoyed challenging my body- since I've been on this new health kick/thing where I actually work out on a regular basis.

There were a lot of times where I didn't want to walk. I just wanted to stop. And take it all in.

It was just all so beautiful. I love beauty in nature. It was also ridiculously quiet! Sometimes it is just nice to get away to a peaceful place. A place untouched by technology and change. Going somewhere where you just feel rugged and connected to the Earth, not so detached and sterile.

On top of the mountain I just couldn't help feeling this feeling... We were describing it as an adrenaline rush/strange sensation of wanting to jump (not in a crazy way, but in an exhilarating way.) The rock slants down and it seems like there isn't much holding you up there.

I think that feeling is just the feeling of being alive. Knowing this is it, you're here. Breathing in and out and knowing that you exist. It feels, like this...

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Part of the Rebellion

Last night we finally watched Catching Fire, the second in The Hunger Games movie series. It was totally awesome. To me at least. My husband sat in the corner halfway asleep. Anyways, I couldn't help feeling this ultra surge of girl power and energy rising within me as Katniss essentially helped to begin the rebellion that would liberate the districts from the oppressive power of The Capitol. Something about oppressed people rising up and saying, "HEY! We're not taking this anymore, treat us like human beings!" speaks to me. As I think it does to all of humanity.

We all have the desire to "rise above" or "revolt" against tyranny. Somewhere deep within us is a strong desire to fight for what is right. We may be too afraid to actually do anything, but when we see this attitude illuminated on the big screen, we can't help but love it.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Pushin' Purity

I'm sorry!

No I'm not.

I may seem like the broken record, always going on and on about saving sex for marriage. Nerdy Christian girl with her whacked out ideas!

So sue me.

But I have seen OVER and OVER the devastating effects of pre-marital sex and it is enough to make me realize that there is a serious problem going on all around us and not many people are noticing!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

American Atheists Want to Ban Cross from 9/11 Memorial Museum - My Thoughts

I recently read this article about how the American Atheists have been making stands against religious displays around the country.

This article is mainly about how they do not want to have displayed in the 9/11 Memorial Museum, a cross made of steel beams that was left erect after the world trade center towers fell.

This cross was left standing and was not created or welded. During the time of the search and rescue and after, it was a source of encouragement for people who were a part of that effort.