
Friday, May 3, 2013

The ABC's of Motherhood

Since Mother's Day is around the corner, my friend Ashley from the blog Always Ashley asked us if we wanted to contribute a little post about motherhood. Seeing as how I have been a mom for almost seven years now(eek!), I figured I was somewhat qualified to share. I love to give advice! Almost a little too much. So with that being said, here is a little advice on the ABC's of motherhood.

Motherhood is

When the Pressure Builds


In life, there are just some times when the pressure builds. 

When things are not easy. When struggles come, whether they be a long-term battle beginning or just daily aggravations. When someone or something pushes in on your personal bubble of peace and tranquility, the pressure begins to build.

There are one only two options.
  • To let it build and build and then finally when you are stretched so tight that you can't take it any more, you explode! 
  • Or, you can poke a hole in the bubble and let the pressure slowly leak out.