
Friday, March 7, 2014

Pushin' Purity

I'm sorry!

No I'm not.

I may seem like the broken record, always going on and on about saving sex for marriage. Nerdy Christian girl with her whacked out ideas!

So sue me.

But I have seen OVER and OVER the devastating effects of pre-marital sex and it is enough to make me realize that there is a serious problem going on all around us and not many people are noticing!

This post is mainly to girls, but guys can benefit from it also.

Now, if you lead a normal girlish life you probably won't even think about sex until someone carries it to your doorstep. God forbid forcefully. Most young girls don't even have a care in the world about sex, they are waiting for their prince charming. And for good reason.

We are made as women to dream of our prince coming to rescue us. Think back to the days before you became jaded. If your honest with yourself now, if you listen close enough to your heart you can hear the cry of desire for true love. Pure love. Real love. A love that makes you whole, not rips you apart.

So, as a young woman, blissfully unaware, and desiring to have that love you crave, you give yourself to a boy. Notice I said boy, but this can apply to older women who give themselves to a man. You give what is most sacred, your heart, soul, body, mind, self to someone who is not committed to love you as your prince charming.

If you decide to sleep with someone, boyfriend or not, and give him your sacred self, please realize before you do this, that there is no guarantee he will stay around to be your prince and sweep you off into married bliss like your heart desires.

And there is a chance that you will end up encountering one of the following complications from your choice to have sex before marriage:

Unplanned pregnancy resulting in any of the following:

  • You get an abortion and then feel guilty about it for the rest of your life
  • You lose your independence and ability to chose a plan for your life, ex. college, career, travel, etc. because now, if you are a good parent, you will put yourself, your dreams, and your desires second to a little person who will depend on you to create a home that is safe and sturdy with a mother and father figure. (sound stressful? IT IS! That's why you should wait until you're married to a great man who loves you selflessly and will be a great father to your babies!)  
  •  Adoption of your child and you feel guilty/ miss him/her for the rest of your life. (Yes I'm giving worst case scenarios, because this is the reality of the dangers of premarital sex. Yes, I said dangers.)       Adoption is beautiful for the person who receives the child, but I'm pretty sure there are complex and painful feelings resulting from the mother's side who chooses to abort or give their child up for       adoption.
  • Sickness and health problems

Sexually transmitted diseases.

  • Imagine plugging your body up to another person and asking them to give you whatever they possibly have. Hope you know who they are and what their health is like!
Heartache/ loss of self/ needyness

  • When a woman looks for her prince charming and tries to get a man by giving him her sacred self before he has actually committed to be her true love (not talking fairy tales, talking "for better or  worse I will love you", kind of love), she sets herself up for heartbreak if the relationship fails. Not to mention the untold misery and guilt and self disdain you will feel when you realize you have given yourself and been taken advantage of. 
  • There are men out there who take advantage of a woman's need for love and use her for their own sexual gain. Sound scary? Yes! It is! That is why you should wait until you get married to a man who is 100% committed to the love and cherishing of you and your body! Sorry men, but you know it is true. There are guys out there. 

Don't believe the hype! Sex is BEST when reserved for marriage. How do I know? I began to feel the tug at my heart for the love it desired at 15 and began looking for it in sexual relationships. I ended up pregnant at 16. I had to put myself to the side and raise a child at the age of 16. I have grown so much from the experience, and I wouldn't take a thing back, because it brought me to a place where I can truly see the folly of youth in that we take what is so sacred to us as women, and throw it away seeking something we desperately need and want but don't know how to properly get.

Our culture is SO obsessed with sex and pushes it on us through music, movies, and American lifestyle. But it is a BUNCH OF BULL. The whole, free love, make your own choices, rebel! do what makes you feel good, live your life, defy the authority, love who feels good at the moment, get caught up, YOLO! 

Is STUPID, stupid, stupid. 

Is that really what is going to satisfy us as women? 

Heck no.

What we want as women is to be pure. To be beautiful, worthy, and lovely, and to have a prince pursue us, fight for us and conquer us. 

In the world we live in, men everywhere believe the lies too, so you might have to be selective, on your guard, and you will have to fight hard to maintain your purity. It's basically under attack. Yep. 

But if you want to know true and lasting love, purity is your best bet. If you want to protect yourself from painful experiences, and reaping what you've sown in painful ways, purity is the best bet.

If you want to have the freedom to live your life and the opportunities you dream of, purity is your best bet.

I honestly feel like the dreams of our girlish hearts- to be fought for, loved, cherished and respected, are put there by God himself so that we can look for the one who fights for us, who pursues us, who anoints us with beauty as his dearly loved bride. Don't ignore the longing. Realize it is there, but wait for it to be fulfilled in due time. 

You can bang around like a firecracker trying to fill the longing in your heart. You can go out there and YOLO it up, but I bet in time, you will realize that you are still sad, still unloved, and still lost. 

Purity keeps you on a good path until your prince finds you, and it leads you to understand yourself as a woman and value yourself like the treasure you are.

So sorry.
Not sorry.

Girls need to be told that the whole "have sex it's fun" crap is a lie

Be pure, who gives a rat's brown hairy behind what anyone thinks? Isn't that all the rage? To stand out! To dare to be different! Why do you want to go with the flow? Especially when it's flowing downstream. To the dump. 

When you have seated yourself in a great marriage and are beginning your life years down the road and those that taunted you are still reeling from the damages of their youth, you won't hear their voices anymore. And you will be glad that you listened to wisdom when you were young. 

"Young people, it's wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it. Do everything you want to do; take it all in. But remember that you must give an account to God for everything you do."

Ecclesiastes 11:9

"Young women of Jerusalem, swear to me
by the gazelles
or by the does in the field
that you will not awaken love
or arouse love before its proper time."

Song of Solomon 2:7

So lets say your not what you would consider "pure" anymore, and you've done some things that have left you dirty, lonely, and sad. Did you know that Jesus came to Earth to remedy that exact situation? You've dug yourself into a hole by what you've done. But Jesus came to undo the sting of our sin and shame and to make us clean again, washed by his blood that he gave as a sacrifice for our wrong doing. If you accept his forgiveness you will be free at heart and know you are right with the one who made you. Made clean again even though you were once dirty. Made whole again, even though you were once broken.

"For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost."

Luke 19:10

Alright, I'm done.

Just think girl. THINK!

1 comment:

  1. it is a lie.
    and the truth is all around us. we need only to believe in it <333
    amennn girl.


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