
Friday, May 3, 2013

When the Pressure Builds


In life, there are just some times when the pressure builds. 

When things are not easy. When struggles come, whether they be a long-term battle beginning or just daily aggravations. When someone or something pushes in on your personal bubble of peace and tranquility, the pressure begins to build.

There are one only two options.
  • To let it build and build and then finally when you are stretched so tight that you can't take it any more, you explode! 
  • Or, you can poke a hole in the bubble and let the pressure slowly leak out. 

   We can poke a hole in our bubble by taking a moment to step back and analyze the situation at hand. (Analyze..reaaaal scientific-like). Try to figure out what it is that is making you stress. Is it kids? (Duh, is the answer ever no to that?). Is it work? Is it health concerns? Then think about your attitude. Are you reacting to the situation negatively because of selfishness, fear, worry or defensiveness? If the answer is yes, then try to think of a behavior that would be better. Replace your selfishness with care and concern for the person that is frustrating you. Try to see life from their point of view or if maybe something happened to them and it has made them who they are today. Many people are a product of their past and though that isn't an excuse, it can help you understand them better. If you are fearful or anxious about life, let it go! You can't add a day to your life or even a moment to your life by worrying!  

   Studies have shown that your thoughts can actually effect your health. So think positive and you will be doing your body and soul better than worrying. Also consider; Can you breathe? Can you walk? Can you see? Do you have enough for today? Don't worry about the future, for it will get here when it does. We can take steps to be prepared for the future, but we can't make it happen. It will get here when it does. Try to be thankful for the smallest of blessings, like being able to taste a cheeseburger! OR BACON! 

The next time your pressure begins to build, step back, take a breath, and let the air out. Think!
Are your kids watching you? How would you want them to react in such a situation? Pay attention. Don't just fly by the seat of your pants in life. Be awake for every moment!

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