
Friday, April 19, 2013

Thoughts on Hunger, Boston, and Life

You know.. I decided to change the name of this blog from "From the Heart" to "The Silly Goose". I wanted it to be more of a reflection of me as I really am. Silly, goofy, not always trying to be proper. I mean, I like manners and all, but I consider myself down to earth and a little wacko at times.

Since lately I've been writing on a little bit of a larger scale, I have been so critical of my blog design. I've tried to copy the designs of a lot of other people who I think have "fancy" blogs. But I really just want this little space to be MINE. Not a refection of someone else, but of me and my little self. Of my little thoughts and expressions of life.

Anyways, I say that because I'm not really feeling like much of a silly goose this morning. So maybe the name does still need a little work...

I don't feel silly because the state of the world is a little crazy. It's actually a lot crazy.

It's strange to me how much of a state of shock we face in America when a few people are killed needlessly in an act of terror, when thousands, if not more people die a day in third world countries from a lack of things we have in abundance here like food, water, and medical care.

We will cry and shake our fists at God and ask where he is when one or two people are killed senselessly, but say nothing of the senseless deaths of hungry children around the world. I just read a statistic that said 18,000 children die a day in the world from hunger and malnutrition. Why are we so shook to our core over a terrorist attack by some young rebel without a valid cause, and yet we turn our eyes to the hurting and pain all over the world? Much of this pain is pain that WE could solve. There is an abundance of food and wealth in this country and other countries around the world. I'm not saying I'm a perfect and charitable person either. I don't give as much as I should and I'm just making the point that we are all a lot greedy deep down and our very nature is inclined to focus in on our own selves.

The point is that we aren't evolving and getting smarter and better with time. Sure we may be gaining newer technological knowledge, but how is it that for all of our great knowledge and success, we can't get everyone in the world fed? Where is the time invested into that? Where are the marches dedicated towards feeding the hungry? Where are our heads? We spend so much time focused on our everyday American lives and then feel so threatened when someone pops into our safety bubble to wake us from our blissful slumber. Are we unaware of the extreme suffering around the world? I'm not saying we don't deserve safety. I wish we never had any acts of violence in our country. But violence is as old as Genesis, when the first people turned away from God and sought life without him as the base for truth of everything in their lives.

This world is broken, but it can be fixed. We are all lost, but we can be found. There is truth, there is a way that is right and we can take it if we choose. We aren't forced to go the right way or do the right thing because we have been given free will. We have a choice each day to do violence, to only focus on ourselves and not care about others. Or even to act out in hate as the latest people in Boston did.

The signs are all around us. Humanity is deeply, deeply flawed. We aren't some super intelligent race of highly evolved beings. We are flawed, broken, and completely lost outside of the knowledge of who we truly are, where we truly came from, and what is truly what in the world and in life itself.

In my opinion, 

Humanity will continue to be plunged into the despair that it is wallowing in until people turn back to the true source of life. Our God and our creator. So many people are being pushed away from God. Being told they have no purpose or value. That they are just educated goo. Where is the definite proof in that?  Where is the 100 % certainty that we are evolved from apes? Can you truly look outside at our wonderful, purposeful world and say that every flower and fruit and animal you see came from nothing? Or from a small blob of cells? The complexity, design, and variety? Could you really think that a cow is related to a flower? That they came from the same ancestor? Where is the proof of that? There isn't any 100% certainty. It is just a theory to the origin of life as we know it.

Sure there may be a cleverly constructed theory with artistic drawings of what some people think is the truth. But at the very bottom of the base of life and all theories, it takes faith to believe that you have come from nothing. I don't see any difference in believing that you possibly came from monkeys or that you possibly were created by God other than the fact that one makes sense of everything you see and the other one plunges you into meaningless, confusion, despair and lack of understanding. Both ideas create passes in the road where you have to choose to have faith in what isn't seen. But the theory that men came from monkeys does NOTHING for you now other than fill you with dread. However, if you seek after God and get to know him he does EVERYTHING for you and gives you life better than you can imagine.

 Not perfect or always safe, heck, his own son wasn't saved from the perils of this world and for good reason. Not a safety bubble or a perfect life because that isn't even what the Bible promises. If you would crack the book and read it from cover to cover, you would see that many of the things you think it says that are nonsense- aren't really what it says. Like the Bible never says God is an old man in the sky with a beard watching you. That is a human and flawed idea of God.

If you look at your TV and you are scared at what you see. If you don't understand it, I invite you to walk with me. Pick up a Bible and begin to read it with an open mind and an open heart. Ask the God of that Bible to make himself real and known to you. Ask one of your friends who is a Christian or go to a church if you have questions. You don't have to read it in the King James Version because we don't talk like that anymore and you probably won't understand it well unless your highly educated and have an awesome brain. If you are more along the lines of me, you might want to grab a more modern translation- available and Wal-Mart.

There are no real answers to life's questions apart from what you will find in that book.

This is my opinion. I know it may differ with yours, so please disagree respectfully. Hopefully I disagreed respectfully as well. I'm trying to work on that. It can be tricky when you are passionate about something not to let your emotions make you act wild!

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